The Official Website of the Philippine GUARDIANS Brotherhood, Inc., duly registered with the SEC and Intellectual Property Office in the Philippines (IPOPHL),

Month: September 2024

A Different View! – Working for Two Masters

A Different View! – Working for Two Masters, but at What Cost?Written by Engr Melliardine “GS MEL” G. Gamet In a world where loyalty and dedication are essential, some people serve two masters simultaneously. These double agents might seem impressive…

The Puppet of PGBI

The Puppet of PGBI In the labyrinth of organizational leadership, clarity sometimes cloaks itself in the shadows, leaving leaders like R-Leo —known by his alias GS TANDA—grappling with their place within the structure they aspire to lead. After a promising…

The Essence of “GENTLEMAN”

The Essence of “GENTLEMAN”Written by Engr. Melliardine “GS MEL” G. Gamet, PEE Within the framework of the “GUARDIANS” organization, the acronym “GENTLEMAN” can be enriched to reflect the various virtues that its members embody. One of the core attributes shining…