The Official Website of the Philippine GUARDIANS Brotherhood, Inc., duly registered with the SEC and Intellectual Property Office in the Philippines (IPOPHL),

Melliardine Gamet

The Case Against Chapter Logos

The Case Against Chapter Logos In a organization  that increasingly values branding and identity, many organizations may feel compelled to create individual chapter logos to distinguish themselves. However, for members of the Philippine Guardians Brotherhood, Inc. (PGBI), it is essential to…

A Troubling Trend: The Defiance and Discontent

A Troubling Trend: The Defiance and Discontent The Philippine GUARDIANS Brotherhood, Inc. (PGBI) is currently facing internal challenges that have raised important questions about unity and adherence to organizational mandates. While members in various chapters have continued wearing old uniforms following a…

The Missing “U” in the Word “GUARDIANS” – Part 2

The Missing “U” in the Word “GUARDIANS” In GUARDIANS organizations and movements, names often hold a deeper significance. They encapsulate ideologies, values, and aspirations. Too often, however, the weight of these words can become misaligned with their true meanings. Consider the…

The Missing U: Reclaiming Unity in the Guardians’ World

The Missing U: Reclaiming Unity in the Guardians’ World In a world increasingly divided by various factions, the concept of “GUARDIANS” evokes a powerful vision of solidarity, character, and purpose. But what happens when the essence of that vision—unity, represented…

THE “UNITY” in the word “GUARDIANS”

THE “UNITY” in the word “GUARDIANS” Written by Engr Melliardine “GS MEL” G. Gamet, PEE In any organization, especially one that is built on principles of brotherhood and service, the concept of unity is not just a desirable trait; it…

The Mission, Vision & Values

THE MISSION, VISION & VALUES Vision The Philippine GUARDIANS Brotherhood, Inc. (PGBI) envisions a society where individuals come together in unity and harmony, fostering a culture of peace, prosperity, and sustainable development. The organization aims to create a community where members…

A Different View! – Working for Two Masters

A Different View! – Working for Two Masters, but at What Cost?Written by Engr Melliardine “GS MEL” G. Gamet In a world where loyalty and dedication are essential, some people serve two masters simultaneously. These double agents might seem impressive…

The Puppet of PGBI

The Puppet of PGBI In the labyrinth of organizational leadership, clarity sometimes cloaks itself in the shadows, leaving leaders like R-Leo —known by his alias GS TANDA—grappling with their place within the structure they aspire to lead. After a promising…

The Essence of “GENTLEMAN”

The Essence of “GENTLEMAN”Written by Engr. Melliardine “GS MEL” G. Gamet, PEE Within the framework of the “GUARDIANS” organization, the acronym “GENTLEMAN” can be enriched to reflect the various virtues that its members embody. One of the core attributes shining…

The Preamble

Article 02: THE PREAMBLE Written by Engr Melliardine “GS MEL G. Gamet, PEE The Preamble to the Philippine Guardians Brotherhood, Inc. (PGBI) Constitution and By-Laws is of great significance to the organization and its members. It serves as a foundation,…