The Official Website of the Philippine GUARDIANS Brotherhood, Inc., duly registered with the SEC and Intellectual Property Office in the Philippines (IPOPHL),

Special Edition!

PGBI Takes Part in Coastal Clean-Up Drive

Paoay, Ilocos Norte  Province and Romblon Province — September 21, 2024 — The Philippine GUARDIANS Brotherhood, Inc. (PGBI) showcased its commitment to environmental stewardship by participating in the recent Coastal Clean-Up Drive held along the pristine shores of Masintoc, Paoay, Ilocos Norte, led by the PGBI – PAMULINAWEN Chapter in Region 1. This initiative brought together dedicated members from the Pamulinawen Chapter and its seven local chapters—MAKA-PAWAY Chapter, BAGGAK Chapter, MARYLAND Chapter, SILAW Chapter, SAND DUNES Chapter, and from Region IVB, the TABLAS Chapter, especially the Calatrava Chapter.

PGBI Tablas Chapter

Armed with trash bags, gloves, and an indomitable spirit, the members of PGBI gathered early in the morning to participate in the clean-up effort. The event aimed to remove waste from the coastline, raising awareness about the importance of keeping marine environments healthy and vibrant. The effort emphasized the organization’s commitment not only to community service but also to preserving the natural beauty of Philippine coastlines for future generations.

“Today’s event symbolizes our collective responsibility towards our environment. As members of the PGBI, we are also guardians of our community and nature,” said Manolito “FRMG ARABO” Buduan, the chapter head of the Pamulinawen Chapter. “Through this initiative, we hope to inspire others in our community to take action and be conscientious stewards of our planet.”

FRMG TENG Yap, the Provincial Chairman of Romblon, led the TABLAS Chapter and emphasized the need to show concern for the coastal lines of Romblon. “We must be proactive in protecting our coastline, which is not only vital for our community but also for the environment as a whole,” Yap stated. His commitment to environmental advocacy resonated throughout the event, motivating participants to deepen their dedication to sustainability.

PGBI Pamulianwen Chapter, Ilocos Norte

The Coastal Clean-Up Drive attracted residents, environmental advocates, and media, who joined forces with the PGBI members. Participants were educated on the various types of ocean waste, particularly plastic and other non-biodegradable materials, which pose significant threats to marine life and ecosystems.

The PGBI’s involvement reflects its core values of service and camaraderie. Throughout the day, participants shared stories and bonding moments while working side by side in the sun. The camaraderie displayed during the event also served to strengthen the ties among the local chapters, fostering a sense of unity as they championed a noble cause.

“We’re here not just to clean the beach, but to send a strong message: we need to protect our environment and be proactive in our efforts,” stated Bernardino “FRMG BERNZ” Rodillas, the Regional President/Chairman and a NEC Member from Region 1.

PGBI PAMULINAWEN Chapter of Ilocos Norte

The event concluded with an informal program celebrating the collective effort and the importance of continued vigilance in environmental issues. Participants were encouraged to carry this message into their communities, inspiring ongoing advocacy for clean and sustainable environments.

The Philippine GUARDIANS Brotherhood, Inc. is committed to similar initiatives in the future, believing that every action, no matter how small, contributes to a larger movement of change. As they continue to engage in community service projects, the PGBI aims to foster collaboration and environmental awareness throughout the Philippines, reminding everyone that, together, they can make a difference.

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