The Official Website of the Philippine GUARDIANS Brotherhood, Inc., duly registered with the SEC and Intellectual Property Office in the Philippines (IPOPHL),

Special Edition!

Rebuttal to Carlos Ambayec’s Claims Regarding PGBI Leadership and Expulsions

Rebuttal to Carlos Ambayec’s Claims Regarding PGBI Leadership and Expulsions

In recent assertions, Carlos Ambayec, who claims the title of National Secretary-General of PGBI (Philippine GUARDIANS Brotherhood, Inc.), has put forth a series of allegations regarding leadership transitions and purported expulsions within the organization. It is imperative to address these claims with clarity and accuracy to uphold the integrity of PGBI and illuminate the truth behind its leadership history.

Firstly, the expulsion of Senator Gregorio Honasan was executed via NEC Resolution 01-2013 on September 21, 2013, backed by a decisive majority of National Executive Council (NEC) members—this included the three Vice Presidents representing Luzon (Atty Alvin Rex “FRMG ARAB” Bilagot), Visayas (Ret. Army Colonel Salvador “SGF BUDDY” Estudillo) and Mindanao (Annabelle “FRMG BUTCHOY” Lugo), along with Overseas Representative Engr. Melliardine “FRMG MEL” G. Gamet.

On the same day, Resolution No. 02-2013 was adopted, leading to the election of Atty. Alvin Rex Bilagot is the new National President/Chairman. However, four months later, a dubious action emerged: Jack Layug, acting as a de facto Secretary-General by virtue of Honasan’s prior appointment and affiliated with the Magdalo Party, issued a memorandum on January 8, 2014, expelling the twelve NEC members who had exercised their rights to vote in favor of Honasan’s expulsion. This situation raises serious questions regarding the legitimacy of an expulsion executed by a leader whose position had become questionable after his unlawful removal.

Furthermore, Judge Arthur “FRMG COMET” Abudiente, a PGBI Incorporator explicitly questioned the authority of Layug, citing: Bro SGF JACK, please explain to all concerned including me who fails to understand the legality of the move, what was the basis of your power to expel them? I was one of those who drafted the CBL, but I cannot find any provision vesting you, by yourself and under your own office, the authority to expel anyone.” Judge Abudiente’s remarks underscore the widespread confusion and challenge to the legality of Layug’s actions, particularly as referenced in Memorandum 13-1319 dated January 8, 2014, which dealt with the expulsion of NEC members in connection with the Tacloban City issue.

In light of Ambayec’s claims of being the National Secretary-General, GS MEL promptly requested Maria Lorenza “FRMG LOIS” Madriago, the legal Secretary-General, to verify his status. Upon review, it was reported that there was no Carlos Ambayec listed in the Membership Book, indicating that he does not hold legitimate or bona fide member status within PGBI. The SEC-issued membership book (Red Book) contains only the names and details of members in good standing, further illustrating Ambayec’s lack of legitimate standing within the organization.

Moreover, Ambayec’s sudden appearance after an 11-year absence raises further questions about his commitment to PGBI. He came out of the blue, seemingly reappearing only when it suited his interests and those of his group, who only seem to remember the PGBI organization when they needed something. For all those long years, where were they? If Ambayec is genuinely the Secretary-General, why is it only this year that they are working to file their General Information Sheet (GIS) and Audited Financial Statements (AFS), which should have been submitted yearly? This neglect indicates that Ambayec’s group does not exemplify true brotherhood or business integrity.

In a recent development, on September 27, 2024, Ambayec rushed to file a petition with the SEC, praying for the GIS to be marked as “DISPUTED.” We trust that the SEC will see through this maneuver and uphold the truth, siding with integrity rather than unfounded claims. Our faith lies in the ability of the SEC to recognize the legitimate leadership and the progress PGBI has made under the current administration.

In the years that followed, Atty. Bilagot served nearly five years in his role before FRMG MEL took on the national president/chairman responsibilities on September 21, 2018, effectively steering PGBI towards renewed vigor and purpose. Ambayec’s emergence after a prolonged period of inactivity is puzzling, particularly as it seems to coincide with GS MEL’s resolution of significant documentation issues that had burdened the organization. Is it not curious that vested interests have emerged only now, in what appears to be a calculated move against an active and effective leadership?

Ambayec’s allegations regarding the legitimacy of FRMG MEL’s leadership, particularly concerning the purported expulsion in 2014, lack substantiation and suggest an effort to manipulate the narrative surrounding the aftermath of Honasan’s removal. The necessary leadership adjustments following Honasan’s ousting were carried out in accordance with democratic principles, reflecting the collective voice of the NEC and the commitments to our organizational mission.

Furthermore, Ambayec’s insinuation that the resolution leading to the expulsion of certain NEC members was executed unlawfully neglects the constitutional and procedural frameworks guiding PGBI’s governance. These necessary actions were deliberate efforts aimed at fortifying organizational integrity and addressing the discord that marked the end of Honasan’s leadership. The resolutions passed were duly vetted and represented a consensus forged among dedicated NEC members.

The assertion of a systematic campaign to expel dissenting voices within PGBI has been unequivocally refuted. The NEC meeting convened at Balyuan Conference Hall in Tacloban City was a legitimate endeavor focused on re-establishing unity within the organization after a tumultuous chapter. Allegations of illegal expulsions fail to grasp, or may misrepresent, PGBI’s internal processes, which are designed to safeguard both members and the organizational vision.

Moreover, Ambayec’s claims to the National Secretary-General title raise legitimate concerns regarding their authenticity, as they appear to stem from factional disputes rather than through a transparent and recognized electoral process. Leadership in PGBI must emerge from collective decisions, grounded in genuine representation, rather than baseless assertions.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued a membership book under Engr. Melliardine GS MEL Gamet, confirming the legitimacy of the current administration, which includes Secretary-General Maria Lorenza FRMG LOIS Madriago. This development challenges Mr. Ambayec’s unverified claims to the National Secretary General position and reinforces the importance of proper member registration and governance.

The SEC’s endorsement effectively disqualifies those affiliated with Ambayec and intensifies scrutiny of his credibility, particularly after he submitted a questionable expulsion letter from an individual claiming to represent Honasan’s interests. Member sentiments indicate a desire to move forward and rebuild the organization following the recent turmoil, emphasizing that leadership should derive from collective decisions rather than factional disputes.

The membership of PGBI deserves truthful clarity about its history and leadership. As PGBI embraces a new era under the guidance of current leaders, it is essential to recognize their rightful position and contributions without distorting factual history. Ambayec’s criticisms not only lack grounding but also risk undermining the momentum PGBI has achieved.

It is the responsibility of every member and stakeholder to champion verifiable information and trust in the democratic mechanisms that govern our organization. Our collective energies must be directed toward uniting our brothers and sisters under PGBI’s foundational principles and collaborating to forge a brighter future. Let us rise above discord shaped by misinformation and commit to the progress of our beloved PGBI. – GSM (Please follow and read on: ( ).   


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