The Official Website of the Philippine GUARDIANS Brotherhood, Inc., duly registered with the SEC and Intellectual Property Office in the Philippines (IPOPHL),

Special Edition!

The ORGANIZATION – Explained!


Written by Engr Melliardine “GS MEL G. Gamet, PEE

Section 1. Name of the Organization.

The name of the organization shall be the “Philippine GUARDIANS Brotherhood, Inc. (PGBI)”. This establishes the identity of the organization, signifying its official status as a registered entity in the Philippines, and it highlights the Brotherhood aspect, indicating a collective or community merged by shared values, principles, and aspirations.

Section 2. Meaning of “GUARDIANS.”

In this section, each letter of the word “GUARDIANS” is used as an acronym to encapsulate the core values and principles that the organization stands for. This not only provides a memorable way to express the organization’s mission but also serves to articulate its identity in a concise format. Each letter represents a significant concept, expressed in both English and Filipino:

1. G – Gentlemen – This suggests that members of the organization are expected to uphold principles of honor, integrity, and respect. It speaks to the dignity with which members should conduct themselves.

2. U – United – This emphasizes solidarity among members. It implies that collaboration, teamwork, and a sense of togetherness are fundamental to achieving the goals of the PGBI.

3. A – Associates – This term underscores the aspect of partnership, indicating that all members are equal stakeholders in the organization, contributing their strengths and expertise towards common objectives.

4. R – Race – refers to humanity as a whole. It signifies a commitment to inclusivity, transcending ethnic, cultural, or social barriers. It recognizes the shared dignity and rights of all people.

5. D – Dauntless – This indicates courage and fearlessness in facing challenges. Members are expected to confront adversity with strength and resolve, reflecting a commitment to their principles even in difficult situations.

6. I – Ingenious – This suggests creativity and resourcefulness. The organization values innovative thinking and problem-solving abilities, encouraging members to find smart solutions to issues facing their communities or nations.

7. A – Advocator –  This identifies the role of members as champions for just causes. It expresses a dedication to actively support and promote the rights and welfare of others, especially in social or civic matters.

8. N – Nation – This implies a focus on the health and progress of the Philippines as a country. It speaks to a sense of patriotism and responsibility towards the nation’s growth and welfare.

9. S – Society – This signifies an awareness of the broader community. It conveys a responsibility to contribute positively to society, improving the lives of fellow citizens through advocacy, support, and action.

When combined, these elements present the overarching message of the organization: “GENTLEMEN AND UNITED ASSOCIATES OF THE HUMAN RACE; DAUNTLESS AND INGENUOUS ADVOCATORS FOR THE NATION AND SOCIETY.” This statement encapsulates the mission of the Philippine GUARDIANS Brotherhood, Inc., highlighting its commitment to promoting values of integrity, unity, courage, creativity, and advocacy on a national and societal level.

Moreover, the translation into Filipino — “MGA MAGINOO AT NAGKAKAISANG KATUWANG NG SANGKATAUHANG LAHI, MAGIGITING AT MATATAPAT NA TAGAPAGTANGGOL NG BANSA AT LIPUNAN.” — reinforces the organization’s dedication to its roots and the Filipino cultural context, making its vision accessible and relatable to the local community.

Overall, this section of the bylaw serves not just to inform but to inspire members by providing them with a clear and noble purpose that guides their actions as part of the PGBI.

Section 3. OFFICE

In Section 3, the document outlines the “principal office” of the Philippine GUARDIANS Brotherhood, Inc. (PGBI) and addresses the conditions under which the location of this office may be changed. Here’s a breakdown of the key components:

1. Principal Office Location – The principal office will be situated in Metro Manila, which is the capital region of the Philippines and a hub for government, business, and commerce. This location provides significant advantages, including accessibility to key stakeholders, government institutions, and resources critical for the organization’s operations.

2. Authority for Relocation – The provision states that the National President, along with the  National Executive Council (NEC), has the authority to relocate the headquarters. This emphasizes a system of governance where leadership can adapt to changing needs. Such flexibility is crucial in addressing any “security concerns”, “necessity”, or “convenience” that might arise.

  1. Security – may refer to threats or risks that could affect the safety of members and operations. This could be due to political unrest, civil disturbances, or even natural disasters.
  2. Necessity – could indicate practical reasons for a move, such as a need for larger facilities, better infrastructure, or improved accessibility for members or activities.
  3. Convenience – encompasses a broader range of factors, including proximity to public transportation, community resources, and the general welfare of members.

3. Concurrence Requirement – The clause highlights that a relocation requires the “concurrence of the NEC”. This ensures that such an important decision is not made unilaterally but rather is a collective decision aimed at serving the best interests of the organization. It promotes transparency, accountability, and unity within the leadership, fostering a democratic approach to governance.

Section 4. MOTTO

In Section 4, the “motto” of the organization is presented. The motto is a succinct expression of the values and principles that guide the Philippine GUARDIANS Brotherhood, Inc. Here’s an analysis of the motto:

  1. Propaganda of Values – The motto states: “Brotherhood for peace, integrity, justice, equality, service, and prosperity.” This phrase embodies the core values that the organization seeks to promote among its members and the greater community. Each element of this motto carries significant weight:
  • Breakdown of the Motto:
  • Brotherhood – This signifies solidarity and unity among members. It emphasizes the supportive, familial environment that the organization aims to create, where individuals work together towards common goals.
  • Peace – The organization prioritizes peaceful interactions both within its membership and in the broader society. Promoting peace reflects an understanding of the vital role it plays in fostering healthy relationships and a stable community.
  • Integrity – Integrity is foundational to the organization’s character. Members are expected to adhere to ethical principles and be transparent in their actions, fostering trust both within the organization and in their interactions with external parties.
  • Justice – This speaks to the organization’s commitment to fairness and equality under the law. It underscores the belief in advocating for equitable treatment for all individuals, regardless of background or circumstance.
  • Equality – Equality signifies that the organization is dedicated to ensuring that all members and constituents are treated with respect and dignity. It emphasizes inclusivity and the rejection of discrimination in all forms.
  • Service – reflects a commitment to community engagement and support. Members are encouraged to contribute to their communities, volunteering their time and resources to help others in need, and working to create a better society.
  • Prosperity – encompasses both individual and communal growth. It speaks to the organization’s desire to help its members thrive, both economically and socially, while also contributing to the overall advancement of their communities and the nation.

Implications of the Motto:

  1. – The motto serves as a guiding principle for the actions, decisions, and behaviors of the members of PGBI. By adopting this motto, the organization sets a clear ethical and moral standard, aiming to inspire members to embody these values in their daily lives.
  2. – It communicates the organizational identity more effectively, helping to distinguish PGBI from other groups by showcasing its commitment to core societal values.

In summary, Sections 3 and 4 articulate essential elements of the Philippine GUARDIANS Brotherhood, Inc. The organization establishes its operational base in Metro Manila but holds the flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances through a democratic process. Additionally, the motto encapsulates the organization’s mission and its commitment to values that promote harmony, fairness, and mutual support among its members and the broader community. Together, these sections reflect the foundational principles guiding the PGBI in its pursuit of meaningful contributions to society.

Section 5. LOGO

In Section 5, the document delineates the “seal of the Philippine GUARDIANS Brotherhood, Inc. (PGBI)”. This section details the design elements and symbolism associated with the logo, which collectively serve to represent the organization’s identity, values, and aspirations.

Description of the Logo

1. Bold Letter “G” – The letter “G” stands as a prominent and immediate representation of the term  “GUARDIANS.”  By featuring this at the forefront, the logo not only establishes brand recognition but also reinforces the organization’s commitment to its core identity. The boldness implies strength, confidence, and resilience, qualities that are essential to the members of the PGBI.

2. Handshaking Symbol:

   – Inside the confines of the letter “G,” a “handshake” symbolizes several fundamental values, including “brotherhood, solidarity, and unity of purpose.” This imagery suggests that the organization values collaboration and mutual support among its members. A handshake is universally recognized as a sign of agreement and camaraderie, thus communicating the message that members of PGBI are united in their objectives and are committed to working together.

3. Torch: – The ”torch” included in the design represents “enlightenment and information.” It serves as a metaphorical beacon, “lighting the way to freedom” and guiding members along the path of “righteousness.” By including a torch, the logo not only signifies the pursuit of knowledge and truth but also embodies the organization’s role in advocating for justice and ethical behavior. The torch symbolizes hope and the illumination of minds, suggesting that through wisdom, the organization aims to empower its members and their communities.

4. Color Scheme: Red, Yellow, and Blue – The choice of the three colors — “red, yellow, and blue” – carries multi-layered significance:

  1. Geographic Representation – Each color corresponds to one of the three main geographical divisions of the Philippines – “Luzon (red), Visayas (yellow), and Mindanao (blue).” This inclusion underlines the organization’s commitment to national unity and recognition of the diverse cultures and regions that make up the Philippines.
  2. National Identity – These colors are also representative of the Philippine flag, symbolizing patriotism and a deep-seated love for the country. By incorporating the national colors, the logo signifies the organization’s dedication to uplifting the nation and its values.

5. Globe – The presence of the “Globe” in the logo symbolizes a broader vision for the organization. It represents:

  1. Unity of Knowledge and Power” -The globe conveys the idea that knowledge and power are interconnected and essential for progress. By promoting education and empowerment, the PGBI aims to amplify its influence both within the country and beyond.
  2. Global Expansion – The globe signifies the organization’s aspiration to reach a global audience. This implies a desire not only to engage local members but to foster connections and expand its influence internationally. It reflects a vision where the values of PGBI can inform and inspire individuals across borders.

Significance of the Logo

The logo serves as more than just a visual identifier; it encapsulates the essence of the Philippine GUARDIANS Brotherhood, Inc. Here are some key points regarding its significance:

  1. “Visual Representation of Values – The elements of the logo — the bold “G,” handshake, torch, color scheme, and globe — collectively create a powerful symbol that conveys the organization’s foundational values of unity, integrity, enlightenment, and national pride.
  2. “Sense of Belonging” – A well-designed logo fosters a sense of pride and belonging among members. By identifying with the logo, members feel connected to a larger community that shares their beliefs and aspirations.
  3. “Memorable Branding” – The logo’s distinct features make it easily recognizable, aiding in marketing and outreach efforts. A memorable logo can strengthen the organization’s presence in the community and enhance its reputation.
  4. “Motivation and Purpose” – Each aspect of the logo serves as a reminder of the organization’s mission and vision, motivating members to align their actions and contributions with these principles.

In summary, Section 5 provides a detailed description of the logo of the Philippine GUARDIANS Brotherhood, Inc., highlighting its symbolic elements and significance. The blend of design and meaning encapsulates the essence of the organization, representing not only its identity but also its commitment to brotherhood, patriotism, enlightenment, and global ambition. As such, the logo serves as a powerful emblem that unifies members while guiding the organization towards its goals and aspirations.


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