The Official Website of the Philippine GUARDIANS Brotherhood, Inc., duly registered with the SEC and Intellectual Property Office in the Philippines (IPOPHL),

Special Edition!

The Preamble

Article 02: THE PREAMBLE

Written by Engr Melliardine “GS MEL G. Gamet, PEE

The Preamble to the Philippine Guardians Brotherhood, Inc. (PGBI) Constitution and By-Laws is of great significance to the organization and its members. It serves as a foundation, a unifying force, and a guiding principle for the organization’s purpose, values, and goals. Here are some reasons why:

1. Unifying Force: The Preamble sets the tone for the entire Constitution and By-Laws, providing a common purpose and direction for all members. It emphasizes the importance of working together towards a shared goal, fostering unity and cohesion within the organization.

2. Core Values: The Preamble outlines the core values that the organization holds dear, including service to God, country, and family. These values serve as a guiding principle for individual and collective actions, ensuring that members are motivated by a sense of duty, loyalty, and responsibility.

3. Mission Statement: The Preamble defines the organization’s mission to attain true freedom and democracy in an environment of genuine economic, social, and political independence. This mission statement provides a clear direction for the organization’s activities, goals, and priorities.

4. Sense of Purpose: The Preamble gives members a sense of purpose and belonging. By committing to fulfill their forefathers’ dreams and aspirations, members are motivated to work towards a common goal that honors their heritage and legacy.

5. Guiding Principle: The Preamble serves as a guiding principle for decision-making, ensuring that all actions taken by the organization are aligned with its values, mission, and purpose.

6. Legacy: The Preamble acknowledges the sacrifices and achievements of the organization’s founders and forefathers, inspiring current members to continue their work and strive for greatness.

7. Foundation for Growth: The Preamble provides a solid foundation for growth and development within the organization. As members grow and evolve, they are reminded of the organization’s core values and mission, ensuring that they stay true to its purpose.

In summary, the Preamble to the PGBI Constitution and By-Laws is crucial because it:

  1. Unifies members around a common purpose
  2. Defines core values
  3. Provides a clear mission statement
  4. Gives members a sense of purpose
  5. Serves as a guiding principle
  6. Acknowledges legacy
  7. Provides a foundation for growth

It is essential for the organization’s continued success and serves as a reminder of its commitment to its founding principles.

The Structure and Rhythm

The preamble is divided into four sentences, each with a distinct purpose. The first sentence sets the tone and purpose, while the second and third sentences provide context and motivation. The fourth sentence is a statement of intent and action.

The rhythm is well-balanced, with a mix of short and longer sentences that create a sense of flow and cadence. The use of commas and semicolons effectively connects the ideas without making it feel too dense or overwhelming.

  1.  Declaration of purpose: “For GOD, COUNTRY, and FAMILY” – This establishes the organization’s commitment to a higher power, the nation, and the fundamental unit of society (family). This trifecta creates a sense of unity and shared values.
  •  Statement of mission: “WE, the brothers and sisters of the Philippine GUARDIANS Brotherhood, Incorporated (PGBI), in fulfillment of our mission…” – This clearly defines the organization’s purpose, emphasizing their role as brothers and sisters united towards a common goal.
  •  Reference to heritage: “to accomplish our forefathers’ dreams and aspirations” – This acknowledges the organization’s connection to their ancestors’ ideals and struggles, emphasizing the importance of preserving their legacy.

4.  Declaration of intent: “to attain true freedom and democracy in an environment of genuine economic, social, and political independence”. This sets forth the organization’s ultimate goal, encompassing three essential aspects of a healthy society: freedom, democracy, and independence.

The language is formal, dignified, and evocative, with a touch of solemnity. The use of all caps for key phrases (“FOR GOD”, “WE”, “GUARDIANS Brotherhood”) adds emphasis, creating a sense of gravity and importance. The use of formal titles like “GOD”, “Country”, and “Family” adds gravity and respect to the document. The phrase “brothers and sisters” creates a sense of unity and equality among the members

The preamble evokes powerful imagery, starting with the phrase “For GOD, COUNTRY, and FAMILY”. This trio creates a sense of sacredness, patriotism, and love. The mention of “forefathers’ dreams and aspirations” conjures up images of a rich history and heritage. The phrase “attain true freedom and democracy” paints a vivid picture of a desirable future.

The preamble sets the stage for the rest of the Constitution and By-Laws by outlining the organization’s mission, values, and purpose. It emphasizes the importance of fulfilling the founders’ goals and aspirations, which implies a sense of responsibility and duty among the members.

The Key phrases

1. “For GOD, Country, and Family” – A powerful triad that encapsulates the organization’s values.

2. “fulfillment of our mission” – Emphasizes the importance of achieving the organization’s goals.

3. “forefathers’ dreams and aspirations” – Creates a sense of heritage and legacy.

4. “attain true freedom and democracy” – Paints a picture of a desirable future.

The Preamble to the Philippine GUARDIANS Brotherhood, Inc. (PGBI) Constitution is a masterclass in concise yet powerful writing. It effectively sets the tone for the organization’s mission, values, and goals while incorporating elements that inspire unity, pride, and commitment among its members.


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