The Official Website of the Philippine GUARDIANS Brotherhood, Inc., duly registered with the SEC and Intellectual Property Office in the Philippines (IPOPHL),

Special Edition!

The PGBI Meetings, Notices, Quorum, and Related Matters

The PGBI Meetings, Notices, Quorum, and Related Matters

(PGBI CBL, Article IX)

The Philippine GUARDIANS Brotherhood, Inc. (PGBI) is an organization dedicated to promoting unity, service, and leadership among its members. Central to its effectiveness is the formal structure of meetings, which facilitates communication, decision-making, and active participation among members across various levels—from local chapters to the national assembly. Understanding the procedures related to meetings, including notices, quorum requirements, and voting methods, is essential for ensuring that the organization operates smoothly and efficiently.

Section 1: Regular and Special Chapter Meetings

Each chapter within the PGBI—be it national, regional, provincial, or local—has the autonomy to decide on the schedules of their regular or special meetings. Regular meetings are usually planned to maintain ongoing communication and governance within the chapters. Meanwhile, special meetings can be convened at any time, either at the request of the Chairman/President or upon the written request of at least five (5) members. This flexibility allows the organization to respond promptly to various issues as they arise.

Section 2: Modern Meeting Methods

In today’s digital age, PGBI chapters are empowered to conduct their meetings via video conferencing platforms such as Zoom (Meeting ID:  792 339 5062, Passcode: 8ZtuXG or through other social media technologies. This provision ensures that all members can participate, regardless of geographical location. For these meetings to be legally binding, it is important that:

  1. Members can be heard simultaneously, fostering an inclusive environment.
  2. Clear rules are established regarding the necessary equipment for participation.
  3. Protocols are implemented for seeking recognition, obtaining the floor, submitting motions, and determining the presence of a quorum.
  4. Voting procedures are outlined to ensure transparency and accuracy.

Section 3: Notices

Effective communication is crucial for the smooth functioning of any organization. The Secretary of each chapter is tasked with disseminating notices regarding the date, time, and location of meetings. These notices must be communicated at least five (5) days prior and state the agenda intended for discussion. For special meetings, the purpose must be explicitly mentioned, ensuring that only related business is considered during the session. This practice helps to maintain focus and encourages productive discussions.

Section 4: Quorum and Attendance by Proxy

A quorum is a fundamental requirement for any assembly to ensure that decisions made are representative of the membership. For PGBI meetings, a quorum is defined as at least twenty-five percent (25%) of members entitled to vote. For executive council meetings, a majority must be present.

In situations where members cannot attend meetings in person, they are permitted to appoint a proxy—another member in good standing from any chapter—to represent them. This proxy can vote and sign resolutions on behalf of the absent member. However, it’s essential to note that the representative must be a current member of the National Executive Council (NEC) during the election of national officers. This provision safeguards the electoral process while ensuring all members have a voice.

Section 5: Manner of Voting

Voting is one of the most critical components of organizational decision-making. To ensure fairness and transparency:

  1. Only members in good standing are entitled to vote or stand for office during assemblies.
  2. Elections may be conducted through secret ballots or viva voce, depending on the resolution passed by the National Chapter.
  3. Each member is entitled to one vote, which they may cast in person or via their appointed proxy.

These voting protocols are designed to maintain the integrity of the electoral process and ensure that every member’s opinion is valued.

Section 6: Order of Business

The structure of assembly meetings follows a specific order to maximize efficiency and effectiveness. The typical order of business includes:

1. Proof of service of the required notice of the meeting (unless waived).

2. Verification of quorum presence.

3. Reading and approval of the minutes from the previous annual meeting (unless dispensed with by majority vote).

4. Discussion of unfinished business from prior meetings.

5. Report by the Chairman/President, updating members on organizational progress and initiatives.

6. Elections for the Council for the upcoming year.

7. Consideration of other matters deemed important.

The agenda can be altered by a majority vote of the members present, allowing for flexibility in discussions.

The organizational structure regarding meetings, notices, quorum, and voting within the Philippine GUARDIANS Brotherhood, Inc. is designed to enhance communication, participation, and accountability among members. By following these guidelines, PGBI ensures that all voices are heard and that decisions reflect the collective will of the membership. This structured approach not only strengthens the organization but also fosters a culture of inclusion, collaboration, and shared governance, essential for the continuous growth and impact of PGBI in the community. – GSM